Grizzly bear eating berries

Grizzly bear eating berries near Lake Louise, Alberta
Canada has a large number of majestic animals.  There are moose, mountain sheep and mountain goats, elk, caribou, not to mention all the aquatic behemoths such as whales, walrus, and dolphin (the killer whale is actually the world's largest dolphin).  The most splendid of them, many would argue, is the grizzly bear.
I have only seen grizzlies twice in the wild; the first time was a couple of years ago just behind a wildlife fence along the highway through Banff.  That was pretty impressive, as I have been along that stretch of road many a time and it was the first time I saw this marvelous creature.  This experience though, was so much more amazing.
We were driving along the highway to Lake Louise and there was what seemed to be a bit of a traffic pile up.  I had seen these before, and usually it meant there was some wild animals about.  I have had great opportunities to photograph elk and mountain sheep this way.  Today though it was different; there was a grizzly bear about.
I wasted no time and grabbed my camera; jumping out of the car I lined it up and began shooting as it lumbered along a hill side, not 100 feet (30 meters) from my position.  It was not interested in me; it had its eyes set upon a bush loaded with berries.  However, my wife did not approve of my vulnerable position - not that a parked car would stop a bear anyways - and asked that I come inside.  Not to be outdone, a ranger appeared almost immediately and insisted that I get back inside.  My guess is that there is actually little risk of being attacked, but prudence saves lives and my wife would be really angry with me if I got killed (I would never live it down).
Fortunately I ended up with four very good shots.  The one above is not one of my better ones, but I love the fact that the bear is eating berries and you can see those huge claws.  Grizzlies use them to rip stumps and the ground apart searching for ants and grubs, it is also why they have that huge lump on their backs.  Those muscles power those enormous forearms and claws. 
Grizzlies eat something like 30,000 Calories a day which they get from a variety of sources, mostly insects, berries, and fish.  A grizzly will, however, take much larger game; they have been filmed taking down deer and there are more than a few people who have been on the receiving end of those claws and teeth.  I suppose it is the threat that they possess which makes them all the more remarkable.  I do not know if I will ever get such a great opportunity again, but I do know that it was a moment I will always cherish.


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